2012年10月21日 星期日

Install VMware tools on Ubuntu server

Environment:Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS

Install VMware tools steps:

1. Attach media.
VM -> Install/Upgrade VMware tools

2. Create a mount point if doesn't exist.
$ mkdir /mnt/cdrom

3. Mount cdrom.
$ mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

4. Change directory to mount point.
$ cd /mnt/cdrom

5. Copy VMware tools TAR file to /tmp
$ cp VM*.tar.gz /tmp

6.Change directory to /tmp
$ cd /tmp

7. Extract TAR
$ tar -xzvf VM*.tar.gz

8. Change directory to vmware-tools-distrib
$ cd ./vmware-tools-distrib

9. Run install script (with -d option to auto answer questions)
$ ./vmware-install.pl -d

10. Reboot
$ reboot

